
No one plans on being arrested. However, if you get arrested, you'd definitely want to get back your freedom as soon as possible.

Getting arrested is a frustrating experience. But, being stuck in jail because you cannot afford bail is much more frustrating and stressful.

Luckily, you can use the services of an Avalon bail bonds agent to get out of jail fast. This way, you can easily get back your freedom and fight your charges while out of jail. We at Bail Bonds Company have helped numerous individuals in Avalon post bail and get out of jail quickly. Read on to know how you can quickly regain your freedom after being arrested in Avalon.

What are Bail Bonds?

Simply put, the term 'bail bonds' means any money or valuable item you leave at the courthouse to secure your freedom after you have been arrested. In most cases, you can't get released if you have not posted bail.

The primary purpose of bail bonds is to assure the judge that you will attend all the court sessions. When you post bail, you guarantee the judge that you will not abscond from court proceedings willfully.

Types of Avalon Bail Bonds

There are different types of bail bonds offered in Avalon. Some of them include the following:

  • Police bail bonds

  • Immigration bail bonds

  • Cash bail

  • Surety bonds

  • Property bonds

  • Recognizance release

  • Citation release

  • Federal bail bonds

Below, we discuss each of them briefly:

Police Bail Bonds

Just as the term suggests, 'police bail bonds' are bail bonds the police offer to secure the release of an arrested person. However, police bail bonds are pretty rare in Avalon.

The police can only offer you bail bonds if you have been arrested for a petty offense. In most cases, police bail bonds are offered to minors arrested for petty crimes. You cannot be offered a police bail bond if you've been arrested for a serious criminal offense.

You will be released once you've posted a police bail bond. However, you will still be required to attend all court sessions related to your case, including the arraignment.

Immigration Bail Bonds

Non-citizens arrested in Avalon must post immigration bail bonds to secure their release. Immigration bail bonds are usually expensive, and most Avalon bail bonds companies hardly offer them.

Immigration bail bonds are usually expensive because law enforcement believes that non-citizens can easily flee and, as a result, fail to attend court proceedings. Moreover, some bail bond agents in Avalon refuse to offer immigration bail bonds for this particular reason.

Cash Bail

Simply put, ' cash bail' refers to the amount of money you pay into court as the defendant to secure your release. The judge will set the amount of money you ought to pay as cash bail.

The value of the cash bail depends on the nature of the charges you are facing. As a general rule, serious offenses attract higher cash bail amounts than petty offenses.

Surety Bonds

A surety is a person who guarantees the judge that the defendant will attend all court proceedings even though he/she has been released. You can opt to use surety bonds to get back your freedom.

A surety can be any person you trust willing to stand up for you, for instance, a close family member or friend. However, not all individuals qualify as sureties. To qualify as a surety, an individual must:

  • Be a resident of California

  • Not have violated bail or bond terms on previous occasions

  • Have good moral standing

  • Have a fixed residence

Not everyone whom you trust and who is willing to be your surety may fulfill all these qualifications. As a result, it may be difficult for you to get a surety.

The judge may also require the surety to deposit some money or leave a title document at the courthouse. This way, the judge is fully reassured that the defendant will attend court proceedings.

Your surety may get arrested if you abscond court proceedings. Then, the judge may require him/her to explain why you have missed court proceedings. In such situations, most sureties decide to stop being one.

Property Bonds

You may opt for property bonds if you own valuable property, such as a house or a car. The judge will require you to deposit the title documents of such property at the courthouse.

Once you have been released on property bonds and absconded from court proceedings, the judge may issue an order to sell your property. Property bonds may not be ideal for you if you don't own any valuable property.

Recognizance Release

Sometimes, you may be released on your own recognizance. Simply put, this means that you may get back your freedom without posting bail.

To be released on your own recognizance, you will be required to assure the court that you are of good moral reputation and will not abscond court proceedings. You can only be released on your own recognizance if you are facing charges for a petty offense.

You will be arrested if you abscond court proceedings once you have been released on your own recognizance. In such a situation, the court will require you to post bail before you get rereleased.

Citation Release

Citation releases are only applicable to traffic violations. The police may issue you a citation if they suspect you are breaking a traffic law.

A citation is a note informing you when you should attend court proceedings for the traffic violation hearing. The citation further warns you that failure to attend these court proceedings is a criminal offense.

You will be arrested if you fail to attend your traffic violation hearing. In such a situation, you will have to post bail to get back your freedom.

Federal Bail Bonds

You will be required to post federal bail bonds if you have been arrested for committing a federal offense. Typically, federal bail bonds are expensive.

Most Avalon bail bonds agents do not offer federal bail bonds because they are expensive. This means that if you cannot afford to post bail by yourself, you may end up spending jail time until your case has been heard and determined.

What Happens After You Have Been Arrested in Avalon?

Note that California Law Enforcement is required to do certain things when effecting an arrest. For instance, the police ought to read to you your Miranda rights.

The arrest will be considered unlawful if the police fail to read your Miranda rights. In such a situation, you can petition the court to be released on the ground that the arrest was unlawful.

You will be taken to a police station after you have been arrested. There, the police will jot down your personal details. They will also ask you to surrender to them any valuable items you may have in your possession, such as your watch, phone, or jewelry. Then, you will be locked up inside a cell.

Note that even though you will be locked up, California law still permits you to reach out to your loved ones for help. You can use this opportunity to get your loved ones to start the process of posting bail on your behalf. Also, you can reach out to an attorney for professional legal help.

The police should arraign you in court within 24 hours after your arrest. Remember, you may be released on police bail even before you have been arraigned in court.

It is considered unlawful if the police fail to arraign you in court within 24 hours after your arrest. In such a situation, the judge may release you on the ground that the police violated your human right to liberty.

What Happens During the Arraignment?

The arraignment is the first court session you will attend after being arrested. During the arraignment, your charges will be read out to you. Then, you will be asked to take a plea.

The two most common pleas in Avalon are guilty and not guilty. It is advisable to consult an attorney on the best plea to take.

After you have taken a plea, you or your attorney may petition for a bail hearing. Then, the judge will make an appropriate order on whether or not you should be released on bail.

Although bail is a constitutional right in the United States, the judge may refuse a defendant to be released on bail in some cases. This is especially if the judge believes that:

  • The defendant is a flight risk

  • The defendant violated bail terms on prior occasions

  • The defendant may interfere with witnesses or evidence after being released

  • The defendant will abscond court proceedings

  • The defendant may harm the victim

  • The defendant's safety and security are compromised

The judge will determine the amount of money you ought to pay as bail to be released. Typically, this amount of money varies depending on the nature of the criminal charge you are facing. Serious criminal offenses attract higher bail amounts in comparison to petty crimes.

Suppose the judge refuses to grant you bail. Or, the judge orders you to pay an extremely high bail amount that you cannot afford or cannot easily access from a bail bonds agent. You or your attorney can appeal the judge's decision in any of these cases.

Posting Bail at Avalon

If you opt for cash bail, you will be required to pay the bail amount at the courthouse. You can do this by yourself, or your bail bonds agent can do it on your behalf.

The judge will require you to leave the title documents of your property if you opt for property bonds. Moreover, if you have a surety, he/she will be required to leave his/her identification information at the courthouse.

You will be released after you have posted bail. However, you must attend all court sessions related to your case.

You will face dire consequences if you don't attend any of these court sessions without a valid and truthful reason. For instance, you may be rearrested and committed to jail until your case is concluded. Also, you will have to forfeit the bail amount or your property if you had opted for a property bond.

When posting bail, you may be required to complete some paperwork. Your bail bonds agent can complete this paperwork on your behalf.

Suppose your case has been concluded, and you neither missed court sessions without a valid reason nor violated bail conditions. In that case, you will receive a refund of the bail amount. The court would surrender your title documents if you opted for a property bond.

What can you Use for Collateral for Avalon Bail Bonds?

Your bail bonds agent will require you to use collateral. Here are some examples of possessions that you can put up as collateral:

  • Real estate - You can put up your home or that of your close family member or friend as collateral

  • Vehicles - You can use your car as collateral

  • Stocks - If you own company stocks and bonds, you can put them up as collateral.

  • Valuables - You can use valuables such as jewelry, firearms, or precious metals as collateral

  • Electronics - Televisions, computers, phones, video game systems, and other electronic appliances are common collateral items.

PC 1275 Hold on Bail in Avalon

According to California Penal Code 1275, it is unlawful to post bail using money obtained from illegal activities. Suppose the police or the prosecutor suspects you of posting bail using money received from criminal activities. In that case, the court will 'place a hold on your bail,' meaning that you will not get released until you prove that the bail money was obtained from a lawful activity.

PC 1275 hold on bail is only applicable to felony cases, and not misdemeanor offenses. You cannot get a PC 1275 hold on bail if the alleged unlawful activity was a misdemeanor. In Avalon, PC 1275 hold-on bails are most common in the following cases:

  • Drug charges

  • Embezzlement

  • Extortion

  • Gang offenses

  • Grand theft

The judge will require you to prove that the money was legally obtained to remove the hold on the bail amount. Otherwise, you will spend jail time until your case is concluded. You can prove that the money is clean by adducing evidence such as:

  • Credit card statements

  • Sales transactions

  • Bank statements

  • Loan agreements

  • Pay stubs

  • Tax returns

This is why it is ideal to use the services of a bail bonds agent. You will never get a PC 1275 hold on bail if you opt to use a bail bonds agent to post bail on your behalf.

What Other Options do you Have Besides Using Bail Bond Agents?

Using an Avalon bail bonds agent is the best bet you may have to get out of jail fast. This is especially if you cannot afford the bail amount by yourself.

However, if you don't want to use bail bonds agents, you can:

  • Pay the bail amount at the courthouse by yourself or request a close friend or family member to do so on your behalf

  • Opt for property bonds, in which case the judge will require you to leave your title documents at the courthouse

  • Get a surety to guarantee that you will attend all court sessions

Note that most of these options may not be ideal for you. Besides being unable to afford the bail amount by yourself, you may not have valuable property that you can use as a property bond. Or, you may be unable to get a surety.

Therefore, using a reliable bail bonds agent remains the surest way you or your loved one can use to get out of jail fast. A reliable bail bonds agent will help you get the bail amount quickly, complete the required paperwork, and pay it on your behalf at the courthouse.

Avalon Jail and Courthouse Information

The Avalon Jail is located along 215 Summer Avenue in Avalon. It houses all individuals arrested for committing any criminal offense in Avalon.

It would be best to contact the Avalon City Jail or visit it physically to get information on the whereabouts of your loved one who has been arrested. The official visiting hours for Avalon City Jail are between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

The only courthouse in Avalon is the Catalina Superior Court. It is situated right next to the Avalon City Jail. This is where you will most likely get arraigned and post bail.

Find an Avalon Bail Bondsman Near Me

A reliable Avalon bail bonds agent can help you quickly post bail so that you can get back your freedom as soon as possible. Bail bond agents have the technical know-how to complete the required paperwork and pay the bail amount to guarantee your release.

Contact us today at Bail Bonds Company if you or your loved one has been arrested and need help posting bail. We will post bail on your behalf and secure your release or that of your loved one as fast as possible. Call us today at 323-579-1415 to get started on your bail application.


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