
Anyone can be affected by the legal system in California. Even minor criminal charges can take you to jail from time to time. The constitution protects individuals facing charges by allowing them to be released before the trial. The bail money guarantees the court your return for trial. Not all defendants are eligible for bail release, and the judge determines the amount you must pay at your arraignment.

If your loved one or friend sits behind bars after an arrest, you want to ensure their release as soon as possible. Unfortunately, bail amounts in California are very high, and you may need the help of a surety company to post it. At Bail Bonds Company, we can save your loved one from spending jail time by providing the financial assistance and expert guidance you need for the bail process. We serve clients seeking bail bond services in Commerce, CA.

Benefits of Posting Bail

The option to stay out of jail or in jail lies on you. If you want to be released with a pending case, you must present a specific amount to the court clerk. Failure to post bail means that you must remain in jail until the court determines the outcome of your criminal case. The following are the benefits of securing a bail release:

  1. It Allows you Time to Work on your Defense

When you face an arrest for committing a crime in California, you want to consult a criminal lawyer immediately to discuss your defense strategies. However, meeting with the lawyer and discussing your case can be challenging. When you secure your bail release, you can easily disclose confidential information about your case to your lawyer.

  1. You Can Keep Your Job

Unfortunately, most lose their jobs for missing work after an arrest. You will need your job more than ever when you face criminal charges. The cost of hiring a competent legal defense team is high. Therefore, you need to keep your job and earn money. You can return to work the same day when securing a bail release. A bail bondman may be able to post your bail within several hours of the arrest to ensure you don’t miss a day of work.

  1. Avoid Jail Time

Especially for first time-offenders, the jail environment is not conducive. Being locked up even for several hours can be a traumatizing experience that is difficult to shake off. Since criminal cases take a while to resolve, choosing to sit in jail will not be an option. Posting bail allows you to return to your normal life while waiting for the court to schedule your trial.

  1. Allows you to Spend Time with Family

Arrests are unexpected yet challenging situations. While you work to battle your charges, you must spend time with your family for support. If you remain in jail, you miss time with your family. Being away from your family can take a toll on all involved parties. However, you can go back home within hours with a bail release.

  1. Confidentiality

In California, an arrest, even without a conviction, can negatively impact your personal and professional life. People can view and treat you differently when they learn about the arrest. The more time you remain in jail, the more people will learn of the arrest. Contacting a reliable bail bondsman ensures you are out of jail within a few hours.

Bail Bonds in California

Bail bonds are a financial incentive offered by surety companies to defendants who cannot afford a property or cash bail. The high bail amounts set by California courts make bail bonds an attractive option for most individuals. Seeking a bail bond means you do not have to worry about raising the full amount needed for a release from jail. If the defendant you represent has no history of skipping court dates and can easily cover the bail bond fees, you will not have a problem securing a bail bond.

The bail bond process begins when you learn that a friend or loved one has been arrested. After the arrest, the law enforcement officer takes the defendant to a police station, where they are booked into a jail cell. The booking process involves noting down the name and identification of the defendant. Additionally, a mugshot is taken.

When the booking process ends, a defendant is arraigned, and the court determines the amount of bail needed for their release. If the defendant faces charges for a non-bailable offense, the court will notify them. If you contact a surety company, you need to have the following information:

  • Name and other identification information for the defendant.
  • Name and location of the jail cell where they are held.
  • The charges filed against the defendant.
  • The bail amount required for a release.

If you meet the company’s eligibility criteria for the bond, you will fill out the bail bond application form and sign the contract. You act as a cosigner when you seek bail bonds for another person. Being a co-signer means you agree to take up all the responsibilities associated with the bail bond, including the following:

  • Paying the premium. The bail bond cost in California is 10% of the original bail amount. However, you can negotiate the payment with the company before entering an agreement. As the cosigner, you can pay the full premium or negotiate a repayment plan to cover the installments.
  • Providing collateral. In addition to charging a premium for their services, the Commerce bail bondsman may request that you provide collateral to secure the bail bond. Often collateral is a necessity when the defendant is a high-flight risk. If the surety company was to lose its money in a bail forfeiture, the bondsman could liquidate the collateral to recover the money.
  • Moral support. When you buy a defendant's release through a bail bond, you are obligated to support them while out on bail. This ensures they can follow through with the bail conditions and attend court dates.

Posting a bail bond comes with numerous benefits. You bail your loved one out of jail on a low budget and receive expert guidance to make your bail process easier and more convenient. Additionally, the risk of losing money or property in forfeiture is low. This is because your Commerce bail bondsman monitors the defendant’s progress and can hire a bounty hunter to find them if they flee.

Even with immense benefits, bail bonds have some setbacks you must consider before entering the contract, including the following:

  • Non-refundable premium. Opting for a bail bond is cheaper than paying a cash or property bail. However, the 10% you pay the surety company for their services is non-refundable. Even after the defendant’s case ends and the company recovers its money from the court, you will not receive a refund. This is not the cash for a cash bail where you collect a check for the full amount you paid even when your loved one is convicted.
  • Bail bondsman quality. Although a bail bondsman must undergo training and licensing to operate in California, not all companies are the same. The right Commerce bail bondsman can make a difference in your bail posting experience. Some bail bond bondsmen may not keep your arrest secret. Therefore, you must take the decision to hire a Commerce bail bondsman seriously.
  • Risk of losing collateral. In addition to the bail money, the bail bond company may ask you to present collateral for the bail bond. You cannot recover the collateral if the defendant fails to appear in court and the company loses the bail money.

Factors to Consider when Hiring a Commerce Bail Bonds Service

The bail process is overwhelming, especially when it is your first time dealing with the court system. Having the right bail bondsman by your side will make the process less emotionally draining. Before settling for bail bonds, you must consider the following factors:

  • Availability

Arrests occur at any time of the day. When you learn of a loved one’s arrest, you do not want them to spend unnecessary time in jail. Therefore, you want to choose a company with bondsmen available whenever you call. The earlier the bondsmen respond, the earlier you begin the bail bond process and ensure a faster release for the defendant. If you call a bail bond company and there is no one to answer the phone, then the company is not right for you, and you should move on to another one.

  • Company Reputation

Before you work with a bail bonds service, you should ask for any reviews about them. Additionally, you can do internet searches to have an overview of the services they provide. A company with a good reputation will likely post your loved one’s bail on time and offer the expert guidance you need.

  • Licensing

Bail bond companies and bondsmen must be licensed to provide their services legally. Therefore, in your first meeting with the bail bondsman, you must ask about the company's licensing and insurance. A company with proper licensing and insurance is a guarantee that you will be compensated if something were to go wrong. Additionally, the state would not allow a company with a bad reputation to maintain its license. 

  • The flexibility of Payment Options

You will want to ask about a company’s bail bond repayment plans before hiring their services. When the bail amount is too high, the premium may be too much for defendants and their families to afford. In this case, you may need to negotiate a repayment plan allowing you to pay a small deposit and affordable monthly installments. A company that does not offer a repayment plan is not the best fit for you.

  • Experience and Specialization

When you seek a bail bond for special situations like an immigration or federal case, you will require the services of a Commerce bail bondsman with the right knowledge and understanding of immigration and federal courts. This helps ensure that you receive the correct information throughout the bail process.

  • Cost of Services

The process of posting bail can be financially draining. Therefore, the cost of bail bonds is an important factor you must consider before choosing a bail bonds company. The standard premium fee for a bail bond in California is 10%. However, this amount could be lower or higher depending on the circumstances of your case. Immigration bail bonds will cost you up to 15%, while surety companies could charge up to 20% for their services.

While it would be nice to have a discounted fee, you should avoid companies that lower a meager fee for their services. An abnormally low bail bond premium may indicate that the bondsmen are not qualified to offer the services.

  • Ease in Communication and Transparency

One of the worst things you can experience after posting bail bonds is uncovering hidden costs in the bail bond contract. Therefore, you must choose a transparent company about all its costs. Additionally, having a bondsman who keeps close communication throughout the bail process assures you that they are working on your case. 

Bail Denial

California courts allow most defendants to secure a release on bail. However, not all defendants will be eligible for such a release. At your bail hearing, the judge can determine that you are unfit for a release pending trial. The following are common reasons for bail denial:

You Face Charges for a Capital Crime

The seriousness of your criminal charges plays a significant role in determining your eligibility for a bail release. If you are charged with murder or any other offense that warrants life imprisonment or a death sentence, the judge may require you to be held without bail. Given the potential consequences of murder charges, a defendant may be tempted to flee.

Serious Repeat Offenders

If you have multiple criminal convictions for serious crimes on your record, the judge could deny you a bail release. California law strictly prohibits repeat offenders during punishment and when allowing bail release. Multiple arrests for sex offenses or violent felonies indicate your disregard for the law and inability to rehabilitate. Therefore, the judge cannot trust your ability to follow through with your case after a bail release.

You are a Threat to Others

The community's safety is crucial as the judge allows a defendant to post bail and be released before trial. The court will review your criminal history to determine whether you have a history of violence. If there is evidence to prove that you could harm others or have made threatening statements to another person, the judge could order that you be held without bail.

You are a Flight Risk

Bail money guarantees the court that a defendant will show up for each scheduled court date. Some people misuse the privilege of a bail release to leave the country and avoid the repercussions of their criminal actions. The court determines your flight risk by checking the strength of your community ties, like family or a job. Defendants with a high flight risk are likely to be held without bail.

You are a Fugitive

Fugitives are individuals who flee their country to avoid capture for their criminal acts. If you are a fugitive arrested in California, you cannot be released on bail. Instead, the court could extradite you to your state to face the charges for your crime.

You Disrespect the Court

At a bail hearing, you have the burden to prove to the court that you are a good candidate for a bail release. You can do this by presenting evidence of strong community ties and proving that you are not a risk to the safety of others. However, if you engage in disrespectful conduct like yelling or shouting in court, the judge may order that you be put back in jail until they determine the outcome of your case.

You Were on Parole or Probation During the Arrest

One of the probation and parole conditions is avoiding further criminal acts. If you are arrested for a crime you committed while on probation, you will not be eligible for a bail release.

The following are jails around Commerce, CA:

Century Regional Detention Facility

11705 S Almeda St

Los Angeles, CA, 90059


Los Angeles County Sheriff Men’s Central Jail

441 Bauchet St

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Courts in Commerce, CA:

East Los Angeles Courthouse

4848 Civic Center Way

East Los Angeles, CA,90022


Find a Top-notch Bail Bondsman Near Me

Arrests are physically and psychologically traumatic, and most families are unprepared for the experience. You must post their bail if you want to have your loved one home with you while their case is pending. With the bail money, the court is assured that the defendant will stick around after the release.

Bail amounts can be set up to tens of thousands of dollars; paying such an amount is an uphill task. Fortunately, bail bond companies offer an equal opportunity for defendants to secure a release even when they cannot afford the entire bail amount. The bail bond company will post your loved one’s bail at an affordable fee, even for low-income households.

With the many surety companies claiming to be the best at their job, you have difficulty choosing the company that serves your needs. Our Bail bondsmen at the Bail Bonds Company offer expert bail bond services to all our clients in Commerce, CA. Call us today at 323-579-1415.


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