
An arrest for an alleged offense can leave you spending weeks or months in jail before your trial. Fortunately, the law provides that you must be treated and considered innocent until found guilty. Generally, most offenders can obtain pretrial release by posting bail or obtaining a bail bond. If you cannot afford bail, we welcome you to call Bail Bonds Company. We are licensed to provide Industry bail bonds and can get you out of jail within the shortest time possible.

The law does not give defendants an outright right to bail. However, it restricts a judge from denying pretrial release on bail unless compelling reasons exist. Moreover, the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution compels judges to objectively reasonable bail amounts. The primary purpose of bail is to ensure that you will appear for future court dates once released.

Bail and Bail Bonds Explained

Bail is money you post with the court for your release from prison while awaiting trial. You can settle through the following ways:

Cash Bail

If you can raise the bail, you have an option of posting it with the court in cash or through a money order or check. With this option, it is necessary to post bail in its total amount because the court does not accept partial payments. 

Before your release, you will receive future dates when you must appear in court. Making court appearances without fail ensures you receive a bail refund after the trial. Often, the money is refunded minus a small administrative fee. On the other hand, the court will forfeit the cash bail if you skip court or fail to abide by the stipulated conditions of release.

It is imperative to note that not all jails accept checks or credit cards. Moreover, it is typical for the authorities to seize your personal effects before taking you into custody. These challenges can make it tricky to pay cash bail even if you have the money in your account. Also, producing large amounts of cash can seem suspicious, forcing the court to take the money as evidence pending further investigations.

Property Bail

If you have equity in real property or a car, you can use your titles in exchange for your freedom from jail. The court will only accept property about twice the set bail's value. Again, you cannot have your property back if you fail to make the required court appearances.

Bail Bond

The easiest and most convenient way of getting out of jail is by posting a bail bond. If the bail is too high and you do not want to wait in jail until your trial, you can reach out to a bail bond dealer. The option is also ideal if you want to avoid giving the authorities a reason to look into your finances.

Securing a bond is easy, and you only need to settle a small portion of the bail amount. Your friend or relative can contact an Industry bail bonds agent on your behalf, pay the bondsman's fee and provide collateral as surety that you will attend all court dates.

The bondsman's fee is non-refundable, although it is a small price for the otherwise fast and convenient service. The law dictates that bail bond companies must charge a fee between 10% and 15% of the set bail amount. While you will not receive a fee refund, attending your court dates as required ensures you get back any property used as collateral.

How Is Bail Set?

Depending on your charges, you can post bail with the jail before the bail hearing. The arrangement requires you to post the amount corresponding to an alleged offense as stated on the jailhouse bail schedule. You cannot negotiate for a reduced amount, and the law enforcement officers do not have the authority to increase the bail.

If you face charges for a serious offense, you must wait for your arraignment in two to three days. You can also wait for the bail hearing if you cannot raise the amount stated on the jailhouse bail schedule. Depending on the specifics of your case, the judge can increase bail, lower it, release you on your own recognizance or deny bail.

Generally, judges set bail depending on the following aspects:

Bail Schedules

Often, judges set bail depending on the standard bail schedule, and you have to pay the amount that aligns with a specific crime. However, going before a judge allows you to negotiate for reduced bail.

The Severity of a Crime

Another aspect typically considered by the court is the seriousness of the alleged crime. While a judge can reduce or waive bail if a defendant faces charges for an infraction or misdemeanor, you will likely pay a higher bail amount when accused of a serious crime. It is not guaranteed that getting before a judge instead of using the jailhouse bail schedule will result in a lowered bail amount.

The charges you face can also help a judge gauge whether you pose a risk to public safety. If you are likely to confront or intimidate the victims in a case, the court can increase your bail or deny it to hold you in custody until your trial.

Criminal Record

Defendants with lengthy criminal records often face higher bail amounts. You are assured of a higher bail if you have a criminal past and an outstanding arrest warrant. A judge could also perceive you as a flight risk and opt to deny bail.

Flight Risk

Your perceived level of flight risk will determine whether a judge will grant bail or how high to raise the set amount. The court weighs multiple factors to gauge your probability of going back to court to face trial if bail is granted. Even with the presumption of innocence, judges can raise your bail or deny it if the severity of your alleged offense suggests you could flee to dodge justice or pose a threat to the victims, witnesses, or community.

Also, the court perceives you as a flight risk when you face serious charges and there is overwhelming evidence against you. If the alleged crime attracts life imprisonment, the death penalty, or a sentence of more than ten years, you will likely not enjoy a pretrial release, especially if there is strong evidence against you.

Other factors that suggest a heightened flight risk include:

  • Lack of community ties like family within the area
  • Lake of steady employment like a full-time job you have held for a reasonable while
  • Significant financial resources that allow you to flee and finance a new life
  • A previous record of jumping bail or skipping town

Collateral Options to Use When Funding Your Bail Bond

To secure Industry bail bonds, you must pay the bondsman's fee and offer collateral to kick start getting a loved one released from prison. Skipping a court date leads to bail forfeiture. Collateral is a form of insurance that a bail bond company will not incur losses if a defendant misses a court date or violates the terms of release.

When the court forfeits bail, bail bond companies have a right to use property set as collateral to recover the lost money. However, your only expense will be the bondsman's fee if you adhere to all the conditions of release. This includes making prompt court attendances.

Here are collateral options accepted by bond dealers when obtaining a bail bond:

Real Estate

Real estate is one of the best forms of collateral to provide when signing up for a bail bond. You can provide titles or ownership documents to your home, investment properties, or an undeveloped plot.

Because the property is merely bail bond insurance, you can continue using it if the defendant keeps the end of the bargain and maintains prompt court attendance. You will also receive your titles and ownership documents back if the accused sticks to the conditions of release to ensure the court does not forfeit the bail.


Also, you can provide the ownership documents for your car, truck, or commercial vehicle. It is crucial to ensure that any property used does not have a lien against it. Bond dealers will always consider the value of a property before accepting it.

Collecting real estate collateral is easy because a defendant cannot move it. However, it may be necessary to surrender your vehicle and its documents, especially when securing a high-value bond or when the court perceives you to have a high flight risk.

Precious Metals

When using precious metals like gemstones, gold, or silver as bail bond collateral, you must surrender these items with the bondsman's fee. The bail agent has to have them valued to ensure they can cover the cost of forfeited bail if a defendant misses a court date.


If you lack a property to use as collateral, you can use your ownership stakes in a business, stocks, savings, or a trust fund. With this option, you cannot tinker with the investment until court proceedings are completed.

Credit Cards

Another collateral option to consider is credit cards whose limits are enough to accommodate the overall bail amount. The bail bond agent will only keep the credit card as security and not charge anything to your account as long as the defendant maintains court appearances as expected.

The thought of a loved one sitting in jail for months can be emotionally draining. If you lack resources at your disposal to post cash bail or dread the tradeoffs of tying your money down with the court, bail bonds are a convenient alternative to consider. You do not have to worry about losing property set as collateral, provided the accused remains hopeful with the justice system and attends court on the preset dates without fail.

What If You Do Not Have collateral?

There are numerous reasons most people find bail bonds more desirable than posting cash or property bail. Unfortunately, some also lack property they can use as collateral. If this is your current situation, you should know a few basic facts about no-collateral bonds.

No-collateral Industry bail bonds offer an option where you do not have to sign over property as security. However, you will be personally responsible for paying the forfeited bail if the defendant skips court.

Unfortunately, not everyone qualified for no-collateral bail bonds. Before agreeing to the arrangement, the bail bond agent must consider the nature of the alleged offense, your criminal background, and flight risk. A record of skipping court makes you ineligible for this option automatically.

You need at least two credible cosigners to qualify for no-collateral bail bonds. A cosigner is someone who knows the defendant reasonably and can guarantee they will attend the scheduled court dates. The cosigners also agree to pay the bail amount if the defendant skips court and bail is forfeited. You can increase the likelihood of a bond agent deciding to offer a no-collateral bail bond by choosing a cosigner with whom you share a strong relationship. This could be a long-term friend, spouse, relative, or employer.

The three basic qualifications cosigners must meet include:

  • Have a good credit score
  • Have good employment or job history with regular income or paychecks
  • Be responsible and agree to be accountable for the defendant's scheduled court appearances

Bail bond companies have strict terms and conditions that dictate the eligibility criteria for no-collateral bail bonds. If you wish to benefit from this alternative, call your bond dealer to better understand the requirements you must meet.

Aspects to Consider Before Hiring an Industry Bail Bonds Company

The bail bonds process is confusing and daunting, especially for first-timers in the California justice system. A bond agent can make the process easier and faster, allowing defendants to secure their freedom from custody and start working on their defense.

Here are four crucial aspects to consider before hiring a bail bonds company:


The ideal bail bond company will be licensed to offer bonds within your state. Proper licensing assures you that the bond agent will provide services in line with the state laws and regulations. Moreover, taking action against a licensed bond provider is easier if the agent violates your rights.


It is also imperative to consider the reputation of a prospective bail bond company. Reputable bond dealers have fair and reasonable contract terms and conditions. The experts also provide fast services to ensure your loved one gets home from jail within the shortest time possible.

Moreover, well-reputed bail bond agents are compassionate and will sympathize with your situation. The professionals will be ready to listen to your concerns and could offer some flexibility and negotiation grounds. You will receive adequate information about your options for obtaining a bail bond, ensuring you opt for an alternative that suits your financial situation.

Cost & Payment Options

Securing a bail bond ensures you do not have to pay the set bail amount in full. Unfortunately, the bondsman's fee can still be expensive. When searching for a bail bond company, shopping around for the best rates and terms is crucial. The ideal agents will not go higher than the state-imposed bondman rates and will also not have hidden costs and charges that will catch you by surprise. Under California laws, the bondsman's fee for most crimes does not exceed 10% of the total bail amount.

If the court sets bail at $10,000, the bondsman's fee must not exceed $1,000. Unfortunately, this fee may still not be within your financial reach. If so, make sure your bonding company can provide reasonable payment options. Any company worth considering will provide various payment arrangements to suit clients with different needs.


Finally, consider a bail bond company's availability. Getting out of jail is urgent, and reliable agents understand you want to get back home to your loved ones and work. The experts will be available 24/7, ensuring they can stand with you when you need them the most. Furthermore, the agents will be very responsive and ready to answer any questions you have about the bail bonds process.

Dependable bail bond dealers have in-depth familiarity with the court system and the process of securing an inmate's release from jail. Because of the complexities of the process, ensure you do your research and find experts committed to providing fast, reliable, convenient and affordable services.

Industry Los Angeles Jail and Court Information

City of Industry Sheriff's Station

North 150 Hudson Avenue

Industry, CA 91744



City of Industry Court Information

LA County Superior Court Department

12720 Norwalk Blvd,

Norwalk, CA 90650


Find a Bail Bond Dealer Near Me

If you face charges for an offense and the judge sets a higher bail amount than you can afford, you should consider securing Industry bail bonds. At Bail Bonds Company, we want to vouch for you and assure the court you will return on the scheduled dates once released from custody. We understand the emotional turmoil of sitting in jail and want to help you return home to your loved ones as you await the trial. Call us at 323-579-1415 for fast, affordable, and convenient bail bonds.


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